1.3.4 Zelda freezes whenever I talk to the man.1.3.2 When trying to copy the Twilight Save to the Wii, why does it say that I need to play the game first, when I already have?.1.3.1 I can't copy the Twilight Hack onto my Wii from the SD Card anymore even though the file is there.1.3 Troubleshooting Installation Problems.1.2.7 Can the channel be copied from another Wii using an SD card?.1.2.6 Can I install the HBC without Twilight Princess? How about Super Mario Galaxy?.1.2.4 After installing the HBC do I still need the disc for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?.1.2.2 What software is needed to run the HBC?.1.2.1 Can the Homebrew Channel permanently damage my Wii?.1.1.1 What is the Homebrew Channel all about?.